Learn how to make delicious mayonnaise cookies that conquer with...
Surprise everyone at Christmas with this cold strawberry dessert that...
Traditional, tasty and very easy to make, cornmeal sweat from...
In addition to being tasty and having an irresistible texture,...
Make a granulated tapioca cake to eat for dessert. It’s...
Make Sweet Potato Puree, a great recipe for those on...
Learn how to make a delicious carrot and bacon farofa in an easy and...
Perfect to serve at Christmas and New Year parties, this...
Make a Chickpea Salad with this simple, easy and quick...
The oven-baked kibbeh is delicious and a great option for...
Make this blender banana cake that is great for your...
Guarantee a dessert for Christmas dinner that everyone will love...
Learn how to make a tasty barbecue onion salad with...
Make a cornmeal cake with guava paste that is perfect...
Make a Ninho Milk Sweet for parties or to enjoy!...
Make a blender cake with this simple and easy recipe!...
Make a delicious cream of chicken with the recipe we...
Make a creamy chicken pot pie to eat at any...
With a fluffy and tasty dough, this pineapple cake is...
Prepared with just 2 ingredients, this chilled dish is a...
Simply irresistible, this chocolate pavetone makes all the difference at...
A classic dessert that no one can resist, Leite Moça...
Learn how to make a non-alcoholic drink that is not...
Tasty and creamy, this coconut dessert with condensed milk and chocolate is very easy...
Make a delicious Pudding Cake to serve as dessert. Check...
Make a delicious Ground Beef Pancake for lunch and dinner....
Make a Coxinha dough to fill it however you want...
The nest milk brigadeiro is great for birthday parties. A...
Make a simple orange cake that tastes really good! This...
Very easy to prepare, these cookies made with just 2 ingredients are the right...
In addition to being made without eggs and without oven, this pineapple pudding is...
Guarantee a delicious, simple and easy dessert with this Ninho...
Ideal for a practical snack, this powdered milk bread recipe...
Check out a Chocolate Cake recipe that is simple and...
This potato rosti recipe is delicious! Learn how to do...
Let’s make a Ground Beef Roll for your lunch and...
Make a White Sauce for Pasta and other pasta. A...
Guarantee a delicious and refreshing drink for hot days with this iced mate tea...
This cold truffled Ninho Milk dessert is fantastic and will...
Innovate in a different, healthy and delicious way with this...
With simple ingredients and easy to make, this creamy chocolate...
Make a simple and easy wheat flour cake to eat...
Let’s make a delicious Lemon Cake with this recipe we...
Make a simple and easy chicken pie with the recipe...
Let’s make a delicious fluffy towel cake with this simple...
This creamy caipirinha with condensed milk is an alternative to the traditional drink that...
Strawberry juice is one of the easiest and tastiest drinks...
Boost your health with this light, easy, tasty and refreshing apple spinach juice! Spinach...
Make your Christmas dinner more beautiful and delicious with balanced...