Tasty and creamy, this coconut dessert with condensed milk and chocolate is very easy to prepare!

Coconut Dessert with Condensed Milk and Chocolate

Coconut Dessert with Condensed Milk and Chocolate

Revenue by Olympic City

Preparation time



Cooking timeminutes

Making this dessert is very easy, as well as being an economical recipe!


  • 1 box of condensed milk

  • 1 small box of cream

  • 100g semi-sweet chocolate

  • 100g coconut flakes

Preparation mode

  • Place the coconut flakes and condensed milk in a bowl and mix well.
  • Mix the melted chocolate with the cream and pour over the creamy coconut.
  • Cover the dessert and leave it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
  • When the dessert is firm and cold, it is ready to be served.

Source: https://cidadeolimpica.com.br/sobremesa-de-coco-com-leite-condensado-e-chocolate/

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