2pm. Japan. Risk of tall buildings collapsing Source: https://observador.pt/programas/noticiario/as-noticias-das-14h-1523/
Plane on fire in Tokyo. “There was a human error” Source: https://observador.pt/programas/resposta-pronta/aviao-em-chamas-em-toquio-houve-um-erro-humano/
10am. Plane on fire in Japan Source: https://observador.pt/programas/noticiario/as-noticias-das-10h-1537/
A series of earthquakes that reached a magnitude of 7.6 hit the coastal area...
7am. SNS management presents emergency plan Source: https://observador.pt/programas/noticiario/as-noticias-das-7h-1543/
Make a delicious roasted tapioca biscuit for breakfast and afternoon!...
Make a Chantininho to fill and use as a topping...
Only the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant, destroyed by the 2011 tsunami, was...
11am. Japan. Earthquake has already registered more than 40 aftershocks Source: https://observador.pt/programas/noticiario/as-noticias-das-11h-1019/
7pm. Rescues continue in Japan Source: https://observador.pt/programas/noticiario/as-noticias-das-19h-1412/
4pm. Earthquake in Japan. 80 aftershocks have already been felt Source: https://observador.pt/programas/noticiario/as-noticias-das-16h-1463/
9am. Japan. Small waves reach coastal areas Source: https://observador.pt/programas/noticiario/as-noticias-das-9h-1518/
Earthquake in Japan. “Occurred in a seismic fault” Source: https://observador.pt/programas/resposta-pronta/sismo-no-japao-ocorreu-numa-falha-sismica/
10am. Japan/Earthquake. 36 thousand homes without electricity Source: https://observador.pt/programas/noticiario/as-noticias-das-10h-1536/
8am. Tsunami warning in Japan after earthquake Source: https://observador.pt/programas/noticiario/as-noticias-das-8h-1550/
The fluffy cornmeal cake is great for breakfast and afternoon....
Make a delicious brigadeiro for dessert. This recipe is very...
This Pumpkin Puree is great for your lunch and dinner....
Make delicious pasta carbonara with this simple, easy and quick...
With an irresistible flavor and texture, this creamy hot chocolate...
Get into the holiday spirit in a super tasty way with this panettone pie...
China’s railway network is expected to handle 63 million passenger trips during the New...
Made without wheat and milk, these cornstarch cookies are a...
The Chinese tropical coastal city of Sanya in south China’s Hainan Province boasts a...
The platform for China’s first commercial spacecraft launch field, in the city of Wenchang...
Follow the recipe and learn how to make a Pullman-style...
Eleven thousand prefabricated houses had been built by Tuesday to provide shelter for residents...
A museum about the connection between Beijing and the 2,500-year-old Grand Canal opened to...
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Learn how to make delicious mayonnaise cookies that conquer with...
8am. Emergencies. Waiting in Lisbon after 10 am Source: https://observador.pt/programas/noticiario/as-noticias-das-8h-1546/
Surprise everyone at Christmas with this cold strawberry dessert that...
Traditional, tasty and very easy to make, cornmeal sweat from...
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In addition to being tasty and having an irresistible texture,...
Follow our liveblog about the war in Ukraine here Russia will consider it a...
Japan’s nuclear regulator announced this Wednesday that it has lifted the safety ban on...
Make a granulated tapioca cake to eat for dessert. It’s...
Dunhuang Mogao International Airport, located near the Mogao Grottoes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site...
China would like to celebrate the Spring Festival with the world and hopes that...
Daihatsu, owned by car manufacturer Toyota Motor, has closed production lines at four plants...
Japan will export surface-to-air missile interceptor systems to the United States, in response to...
Make Sweet Potato Puree, a great recipe for those on...
The SLIM robot, with which Japan is once again trying to make its debut...
Learn how to make a delicious carrot and bacon farofa in an easy and...
Perfect to serve at Christmas and New Year parties, this...
Make a Chickpea Salad with this simple, easy and quick...
The oven-baked kibbeh is delicious and a great option for...
Make this blender banana cake that is great for your...