Learn how to make a delicious carrot and bacon farofa in an easy and uncomplicated way that makes Christmas even more delicious!

Carrot Farofa with Bacon (Christmas Recipe)
Preparation time
Cooking time
This carrot and bacon farofa is ideal for those looking for a side dish with a special flavor that is easy to make!
2 carrots
1/2 chopped onion
150 grams of bacon
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
Cassava flour in quantity to taste
Chopped green flavor to taste
Olive oil to taste
Salt to taste
Preparation mode
- In a pan, add a little olive oil, turn on medium heat and add the chopped bacon.
- Stir well until the bacon is lightly browned. Add the chopped onion, butter or margarine and fry, stirring well.
- Add the grated carrots and stir well until sautéed and reduced slightly. Add salt to taste and stir well.
- Reduce heat to medium and add the cassava flour little by little while stirring (the amount depends on whether you prefer moister or drier farofa).
- Finish by adding chopped green pepper to taste and mix the ingredients until homogenized.
- Turn off the heat, transfer the farofa to another container if you prefer and it is ready for consumption.
Source: https://cidadeolimpica.com.br/farofa-de-cenoura-com-bacon-receita-de-natal/