TecPlata, the container terminal of International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) located in La Plata next to the port of Buenos Aires, has completed dredging the maritime channels to 10 meters.

Juan Pablo Trujillo, CEO of TecPlata, highlighted the strategic advantage that his terminal has over the port facilities in the city of Buenos Aires, noting that “the development gives TecPlata an advantage over the terminals in the city of Buenos Aires, where the channels are limited to 10 meters.” This key factor allows TecPlata to operate with greater efficiency and capacity compared to other ports in the region, which strengthens its position in the market.

Furthermore, Trujillo emphasized the future plans for the terminal, stressing that “our next goal is to deepen the access channel to a depth of 14 meters, similar to the design of the container terminal, to put Argentina on par or better than other ports in the region. This will then provide TecPlata with a unique advantage over the rest of the ports in the Buenos Aires area.” This initiative will not only improve TecPlata’s competitiveness, but will also position Argentina as a key player in the region’s maritime trade.

TecPlata is carbon neutral: ICTSI’s 5th carbon neutral terminal, the 1st in Argentina

TecPlata has established itself as the most modern maritime terminal in the Buenos Aires area, standing out for its cutting-edge infrastructure and strategic location. Located on a 40-hectare site near the ocean, the terminal takes full advantage of its geographical position to facilitate access to international maritime routes. This privileged location, together with modern port equipment, allows it to offer an efficient and high-quality service, making it a preferred option for shipping companies and cargo operators seeking to optimize their operations in South America.

The development gives TecPlata an advantage over terminals in the city of Buenos Aires, where channels are limited to 10 meters.

In addition to its location and advanced technology, TecPlata has robust security systems that guarantee the protection of goods and compliance with international regulations. These features not only reinforce the reliability of the terminal, but also give it clear competitive advantages in the market. For international shipping companies and cargo operators, TecPlata represents a strategic option that combines modernity, security and efficiency, consolidating itself as a key point in maritime logistics in the region.

TecPlata has a design capacity of over one million TEUs, capable of accommodating any significant increase in foreign trade in the coming years. Over time, this will reinforce TecPlata’s position as a preferred gateway, reinforcing Argentina’s role in the global supply chain.

Source: https://reporteasia.com/economia/comercio/2024/08/29/canal-acceso-tecplata-terminales-buenos-aires/

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