The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European House-Ambrosetti and the Italian Embassy in Bangkok recently organized the 7th High-Level Dialogue on “ASEAN-Italy Economic Relations”, with the aim of strengthening economic ties between ASEAN and Italy.

This event, which commemorates the 155th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Italy, included discussions on improving the ASEAN-Italy supply chain for strategic sectors, combating climate change and promoting inclusive growth through digitalization and innovation.

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Sihasak Phuangketkeow, Deputy Foreign Minister of Thailand, advocated proactive economic diplomacy and stressed the importance of fostering stronger partnerships for the mutual benefit of the ASEAN and Italian business communities.

For his part, Valentino Valentini, Deputy Minister of Business and Made in Italy, highlighted Italy’s role as an important industrial ally in the context of the growing ASEAN economic landscape.

This event commemorates the 155th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Italy

The forum was attended by more than 300 stakeholders, including policy makers, business leaders and academics from Thailand, Italy and several ASEAN countries. In addition, the event featured parallel activities such as a business meeting session in key industries and a round table focused on promoting ASEAN-Italy investments through the financial sector and private capital.


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