Philippine Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Antonio M. Lagdameo reaffirmed Philippine support for improving the effectiveness, transparency and inclusiveness of the General Assembly as the principal deliberative, policy-making and representative body of the United Nations .
Speaking before the General Assembly on November 10, 2023 at UN Headquarters in New York, Ambassador Lagdameo emphasized that the revitalization of the General Assembly must aim to transform multilateralism through concerted, ambitious efforts , innovative and action-oriented.
“The General Assembly is the only universal organ of the United Nations system with a universal mandate. It must exercise its functions in a manner that allows it to take the lead on global issues and support other principal organs when necessary, as provided for in the Charter of the United Nations,” stressed Ambassador Lagdameo.
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Ambassador Lagdameo stated that the Philippines is aware of the broader revitalization and alignment processes underway in other main committees of the General Assembly and the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
He noted the interrelationships between this process and other ongoing processes, such as the review of ECOSOC and the High Level Political Forum (HLPF), and the alignment of the agendas of the General Assembly, ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies.
“We anticipate new productive discussions to revitalize the work of the Committee, with the aim of effectively advancing the full realization of the 2030 Agenda within the framework of the General Assembly,” added the ambassador.
The General Assembly is the only universal body of the United Nations system with a universal mandate
He also expressed support for strengthening the relationship between the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly and the International Law Commission (ILC), as a subsidiary expert body of the General Assembly, given their important mandates on the codification and progressive development of law. international, which promotes the rule of law. More frequent and structured interaction, facilitated by the provision of adequate resources for CDI members, could be of great value, he added.
The General Assembly revitalization process covers four clusters, including the role and authority of the General Assembly, working methods, the selection and appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and other executive heads, and the strengthening of accountability, transparency and institutional memory of the Office of the President of the General Assembly.
Source: https://reporteasia.com/destacado/2023/11/15/filipinas-revitalizar-asamblea-general-onu/