Chinese President Xi Jinping has demanded full efforts in the search and rescue of people missing in a landslide, which occurred on Monday morning in southwest China’s Yunnan province.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, called for strengthening monitoring and early warning, as well as a scientific approach to search and rescue efforts to protect the country against secondary disasters.

The landslide hit Liangshui village around 6am on Monday, burying the homes of 18 families. The death toll reached 31 as of 6pm local time on Tuesday, according to Xinhua.

In his instructions, Xi called for appropriate measures to be taken to console victims’ families and resettle those affected. The president said that natural disasters, traffic accidents and workplace safety incidents are likely to occur as the Spring Festival approaches and due to the negative influence of cold waves.


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