Indonesia’s selection of Vietnam as the main source for its rice purchases has further consolidated the position and quality of Vietnamese rice, said the Vietnam Trade Office in Indonesia following an Indonesian official’s statement that Indonesia will import 1.5 million tons of rice from Vietnam and Thailand.
The office said that Vietnamese rice is known for its reliability and has earned the trust of the Indonesian government and consumers in the context of the country facing a deficit in domestic food production due to the impact of the El Niño phenomenon. .
To make the most of this opportunity, Vietnamese rice exporters should be aware of the instructions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade regarding the export of rice to Indonesia. Specifically, rice exporters must proactively monitor market conditions, thoroughly assess opportunities and risks, and develop business plans.
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Indonesia’s Logistics Office Preum Bulog said that all necessary licenses for the import of 1.5 million tons of rice have been issued by the relevant Indonesian authorities, and that the import will begin as early as the end of October 2023.
Rice exporters should proactively monitor market conditions, thoroughly assess opportunities and risks, and develop business plans
According to statistics released by the General Department of Vietnam Customs on October 10, Vietnam exported a total of 884,177 tons of rice to Indonesia in the first nine months of this year, with a total value of 462 million US dollars, marking respective increases. year-on-year of 17.7 times and 19.2 times.
During this period, Vietnamese exports to Indonesia reached $3.79 billion, 11% more than the same period last year.
Article republished from the Vietnamese state media VNA within the framework of an agreement between both parties to share content. Link to the original article:https://en.vietnamplus.vn/vietnam-to-be-major-source-of-rice-supply-to-indonesia/269554.vnp
Vietnam News Agency (VNA) is a state news organization that publishes, disseminates official information, and collects and provides news through various forms of multimedia content for domestic and foreign media agencies.
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Source: https://reporteasia.com/economia/comercio/2023/10/13/vietnam-sera-principal-fuente-arroz-indonesia/