An FDI factory in Giang Dien Industrial Park, Dong Nai Province. (Photo: VNA)

Despite global uncertainty, Vietnam remains attractive to foreign investors, having received $20.21 billion at the end of September, 7.7% more than in the same month of the previous year.

Of this figure, USD 15.9 billion was disbursed, representing a year-on-year increase of 2.2%.

According to its latest Vietnam Economic Update report, the World Bank noted that the stability of foreign investment commitments and disbursements reflects foreign investors’ interest in business opportunities in Vietnam despite global uncertainties.

In particular, traditional investors such as Singapore, China and Japan are increasingly reaffirming their confidence and determination to maintain or expand their operations in Vietnam. They work to realize their strategic goals of turning Vietnam into a manufacturing hub for high-quality products that join global production and supply chains with fierce competitiveness.

In the southern province of Dong Nai, more than 120 foreign investment projects worth almost 940 million dollars were registered in the first nine months of this year, or almost 134% of the annual plan.

During the period, Dong Nai authorized almost 50 new FDI projects, 17 of them from China, with a total capital of about US$150 million. Most of them were engaged in renting factories for the production and trade of clothing, electronic products and household appliances.

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Forecasts indicate that FDI attraction and disbursement will continue to pick up in the coming months, providing an important additional source of support to offset constraints in other economic sectors.

In the southern province of Dong Nai, more than 120 foreign investment projects worth almost 940 million dollars were registered in the first nine months of this year, or almost 134% of the annual plan

Don Lam, CEO and Founding Partner of VinaCapital Group, noted that preliminary surveys showed that foreign investors are especially interested in the green transformation and potential of the consumer sector in Vietnam, especially in the semiconductor and chip industry. This represents an opportunity for Vietnam to attract more long-term capital inflows, contributing to sustainable economic growth.

Apart from general measures to stabilize macroeconomic conditions, improve infrastructure and workforce, Vietnam is focusing on building and developing an ecosystem for science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship that is aligned with the business environment digital. On the other hand, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung will continue his efforts to simplify investment procedures, facilitating the creation and growth of companies.

Article republished from the Vietnamese state media VNA within the framework of an agreement between both parties to share content. Link to the original article:

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