Toyota is challenged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 across the entire life cycle of its products. In Argentina, the company is advancing on this path, standing out as a leader in sales of electrified vehicles in the country, using renewable electrical energy in its production, certifying its energy management system with the ISO 50,001 standard and implementing energy efficiency activities and projects.

Toyota is committed to the environmental performance of its dealers and suppliers, promoting the continuous improvement of its environmental management systems: 100% of the dealer network has ISO 14,001 certification and also 98% of its auto parts and materials suppliers. directly acquired said certification.

Likewise, the company has as a priority the strengthening of its value chain for more sustainable management through energy efficiency and transition activities. For this purpose, an evaluation of energy consumption at suppliers and concessionaires is carried out and reduction actions are proposed. Likewise, training is offered, good practices are shared and support is provided in technological change processes. Periodic monitoring of the carbon footprint is also key. The information obtained guides the joint development with each partner of their annual action plan, prioritizing initiatives in the aspects of greatest energy consumption to achieve significant progress.

The formation of environmental patrols contributes to good energy efficiency management in suppliers. Technical work groups have the function of verifying in the plant the correct operation of the equipment and compliance with the on and off schedules established to meet the reduction objectives. This monitoring is carried out on both productive and non-productive days to avoid unnecessary consumption.

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Dealers are also essential on the path to carbon neutrality. In addition to accessing ongoing training and advice, since 2018 Toyota has implemented the ECO Dealer program to guide environmental management towards a more sustainable operation. The initiative establishes three levels of certification by the company and at each level a series of increasingly demanding requirements must be met. For example, one of the requirements of the last level is that 15% of electrical energy consumption must be from renewable sources.

Currently, 35 dealers are certified with different degrees of scope and 20 already have self-generation of renewable energy through solar panels, achieving a total energy production equivalent to the consumption of 3.5 dealers. On the supplier side, 45% incorporated renewable energy either through self-generation or through purchase. This is equivalent to 12% of the energy consumed by them.

Strengthening sustainable management with concessionaires

The ESG Development Program for Toyota dealers is a national initiative aimed at promoting sustainability in its environmental, social and governance dimensions throughout its network. Its implementation includes the designation of a sustainability leader in each dealership, a training and mentoring plan, self-diagnoses, training for creating their own sustainability reports and the development of a network of peers to promote dialogue and exchange of best practices. among them.

This program contributed to the strengthening of relationships with the local communities of the concessionaires, the implementation of new social programs, the formation of an active and committed network of peers, the consolidation of governance processes and the publication of the sustainability report by 100% of the network, among other improvements. In 2023, an ESG (environment, social and governance) competition was held in which 26 concessionaires presented 36 initiatives in those three areas.

Incorporation of CNG trucks in the logistics of parts and vehicles

Toyota Argentina is implementing measures to reduce the carbon footprint in the transportation of parts and vehicles in Argentina. With this objective, it works together with its logistics providers to optimize routes and loads and the incorporation of alternative fuels in the different logistics flows.

In addition to accessing training and permanent advice, since 2018 Toyota has implemented the ECO Dealer program to guide environmental management towards a more sustainable operation

In the last half of 2023, the first trucks that operate daily routes between the industrial plant in Zárate and the ports of Zárate and Buenos Aires were converted to CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), anticipating a reduction of approximately 30% of emissions in said areas. transfers.

In addition to the environmental benefits, the conversion to CNG allows for operational benefits by reducing costs, reducing the engine noise level and providing greater driving comfort. Likewise, a range of more than 400 km is provided. Truck monitoring is carried out through telemetry that allows continuous monitoring and obtaining precise data and parameters on the performance of the units.


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