Popular messaging app Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram He made statements about the cryptocurrency market.
Pavel Durov, who appeared in front of the camera today after a very long time and gave an interview to Tucker Carlson, said that the increasing government surveillance cryptocurrency The unit argued that it would push the creation of secure communications devices inspired by hardware wallets.
At this point, Durov thinks governments and government agencies will push for secure communications hardware devices and innovations in the crypto space.
“The world is becoming less and less tolerant. Governments are becoming less tolerant about privacy.
At this point, I believe that increased scrutiny from governments will push hardware devices and related innovations dedicated to secure communications, much like we have hardware wallets for storing your cryptocurrency.
But these devices are clearly a trend because they have more technological power.”
“Telegram Will Reach One Billion Users Within One Year!”
Speaking about his departure from Russia, Durov said that he left Russia because he could not accept the orders of any government and rejected the allegations that Telegram was controlled by Russia, stating that these were false rumors spread by rivals who were concerned about Telegram’s growth.
Durov, on this subject “I would rather be free than take orders from everyone. “My first priority in life is my freedom.” said.
The billionaire founder also added that Telegram will likely reach one billion monthly active users within a year as one of the most popular social media platforms.
“I Hold Bitcoin and Money!”
Telegram founder recently spoke about his cryptocurrency portfolio. Fiat currency and Bitcoin holds hundreds of millions of dollars in fiat currency or BTC He stated that he does not have any large property such as real estate, a jet or a yacht.
“I have had several hundred million dollars in fiat and Bitcoin in my bank account since 10 years ago.”
Ep. 94 The social media app Telegram has over 900 million users around the world. Its founder Pavel Durov sat down with us at his offices in Dubai for his first on-camera interview in almost a decade. pic.twitter.com/NEb3KzWOg8
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) April 16, 2024
*This is not investment advice.
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Source: https://www.bitcoinsistemi.com/telegram-kurucusu-kripto-para-portfoyunu-acikladi-ne-kadar-bitcoini-var/