This powdered milk pudding with Bis has a unique and irresistible flavor, and it doesn’t need to be cooked on the stove to make!

Powdered Milk Pudding with Bis

Powdered Milk Pudding with Bis

Revenue by Olympic City

Preparation time



Cooking timeminutes


  • 500 ml of milk

  • 1 box of chopped Bis

  • 1 box of cream

  • 1 box of condensed milk

  • 2 cups of powdered milk

  • 10 tablespoons of water

  • 24 g unflavored gelatin

Preparation mode

  • Add the gelatin and water to a container and mix well. Set aside for 5 minutes to hydrate.
  • In a blender, place the milk, condensed milk, cream and powdered milk.
  • Melt the gelatin in the microwave or in a bain-marie and add it little by little to the running blender.
  • After homogenizing the mixture, pour it into a pan greased with oil and add the chopped Bis.
  • Cover the dessert and leave it in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or until it hardens well.
  • Run a spatula or knife along the side of the pudding, turn it out onto a plate and it is ready to be served.


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