Powdered milk pudding is a delicious and popular dessert in some cuisines, especially Brazilian cuisine. It is made mainly with powdered milk, condensed milk and eggs, resulting in a creamy texture and sweet flavor.

Powdered milk pudding

Powdered milk pudding

Revenue by Olympic City

Preparation time



Cooking time



Here is a basic recipe for powdered milk pudding that is very tasty:


  • For the pudding
  • 1 cup powdered milk

  • 1 cup liquid milk

  • 1 can of condensed milk

  • 3 eggs

  • For the syrup
  • 1 cup of sugar

  • 1/4 cup of water

Preparation mode

  • Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  • Start by preparing the syrup: In a pan, add the sugar and water. Cook over medium heat, without stirring, until the mixture turns into a golden syrup. Pour the syrup into a pudding mold, spreading it along the bottom and sides. Reserve.
  • In the blender, place the powdered milk, liquid milk, condensed milk and eggs. Beat everything until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Pour the pudding mixture into the caramelized mold.
  • Cover the pan with aluminum foil and place it inside a larger baking dish. Add hot water to the baking dish, creating a double boiler.
  • Place in the preheated oven and bake for about 1 hour, or until the pudding is firm but still slightly wobbly in the center.
  • Remove the pan from the oven and let it cool completely before refrigerating for a few hours or overnight.
  • When serving, run a knife along the edges of the pudding to loosen, place a serving plate over the pan and carefully turn it over, so that the pudding unmolds with the syrup on top.
  • Serve chilled and enjoy!

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Source: https://cidadeolimpica.com.br/pudim-de-leite-em-po-2/

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