The Japanese Coast Guard plane that collided with a commercial plane at Tokyo’s Haneda airport on Tuesday was not authorized to enter the runway, Japan’s government said on Thursday.

“There was nothing in the transcript of the communications that could be considered as authorization to enter the track”, said the deputy director general of the Civil Aviation Office of the Japanese Ministry of Transport, Toshiyuki Onuma, quoted by the Kyodo news agency.

Onuma was referring to flight control communications released by the Japanese Ministry of Transport.

However, the captain of the coast guard ship and the only survivor of the six crew, said the device was authorized to enter the runway. In other statements, he indicated that the plane had received authorization to take off.


Japan Airlines plane that collided with Coast Guard plane was allowed to land, control center transcripts appear to indicate

In the communication records between air traffic controllers and the commercial flight company, Japan Airlines (JAL), also there is no indication of any delay in landingwhich led experts to suggest that it was possible that both parties were unaware of the presence of another plane on the runway.

According to public broadcaster NHK, the Japan Airlines pilot told the company not seen any plane when approaching the runway and had received authorization from controllers to land.

The Ministry of Transport, through its Transport Safety Board (JTSB), is investigating the accident occurred at Haneda Airport, one of the busiest airports in the country, after the Japan Airlines commercial flight from Sapporo (northern Japan) collided with the Coast Guard plane on Tuesday.

The accident occurred at 5:47 pm (9:47 am in Lisbon) and triggered a fire in both aircraft, forcing the passengers and crew to evacuate.

Collision between two planes in Tokyo: 379 people from the Airbus got out safely, five died on the Coast Guard aircraft

All 379 occupants of the commercial flight managed to get out of the device alive, but 14 were injured. Of the six occupants of the Coast Guard plane, only the commander, who was seriously injured, escaped with his life.

The Coast Guard plane was on its way to transport food and water to the area affected by the strong earthquake that hit the west coast of central Japan on Monday.

Japan Airlines estimated losses of around 15 billion yen (around 95.7 million euros) in the accident, NHK said.

The Japanese airline added that the loss of the Airbus A350 will be covered by the insurance company and said it is analyzing the impact of the accident on commercial results for this fiscal year, which ends on March 31, including the reduction in sales due to flight cancellations and compensation for the passengers involved.


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