Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen officially signing LB609, also known as the prevention law of controllable electronic registration, to fight with fraud and protect consumers Crypto para He brought more strict arrangements on his ATMs and kiosks.

Nebraska put into effect the crypto ATM law to combat fraud

The two -party legislation presented by Senator Eliot Bostar in January requires crypto ATM operators to obtain a license within the scope of Nebraska Monetary Payers Law and explicitly disclose all conditions and potential fraud risks to users.

“We are working hard to make Crypto currency a developing sector and Nebraska into a crypto leader, Çal Governor Pillen said in an article in X:” We want everyone to know that we are open for work and that we do it correctly. ”

Kelly Lammers, Director of Nebraska Banking Department, stressed the state’s commitment to crypto innovation while providing consumer protection.

Lammers, “targeting our citizens, nebras and their financial resources using crypto ATMs who want to exploit those who want to watch even more closely,” he said.

Crypto ATMs faced increasing regulatory investigations due to their relations with frauds. In September 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported that there was a “big increase ve in fraud linked to Bitcoin ATMs and that consumer losses exceeded $ 65 million in the first half of the year.

Last month, Senator Dick Durbin introduced the Crypto ATM fraud, which aims to bring federal regulations to prevent fraud activities.

With LB609, which is currently in force, Nebraska is joining a growing state list that tightens the supervision of crypto -related financial services.

*It is not an investment advice.

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