The Chinese film “Johnny Keep Walking!” continues to lead the Asian country’s box office rankings, according to data from the China Film Data Information Network. A success among critics and the public since the beginning of this year, the film has already generated revenue of 14.3 million yuan (about US$2 million). The production has not yet received a release date in Brazil.

A mix of comedy and drama, “Johnny Keep Walking!” tells the story of the character Hu Jianlin (played by Da Peng) an ordinary worker, who is promoted in a renowned company, after a series of layoffs. As the protagonist begins to experience the benefits of his new job, he begins to face a clash between his working-class origins and corporate culture.

Columnist Mohamed El Aassar, from the North American website Fortune, praised the production. “I certainly didn’t expect a cathartic experience that made me reflect on the world of work, corporate culture and nothing less than the meaning of modern life,” he described.

The film began to attract media attention at the beginning of January as it was one of those responsible for a rise in cinema revenue in China. The box office kicked off 2024 with record revenue of 1.5 billion yuan ($21 million) during the three-day New Year holiday.

Currently, “Johnny Keep Walking!” shares the podium with comedy “Rob & Roll”which grossed 6 million yuan this year, and the drama “The Goldfinger”with 5.52 million yuan.


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