This Tuesday, Japanese authorities called for increased precautions due to the rain and snow storm in the areas affected by the January 1 earthquake, in which at least 180 people died, according to the latest official report.

Seismic activity continues to be felt on the Noto peninsula and surrounding areas about a week after the 7.6 magnitude earthquake, having been recorded, so far, close to 1,248 tremors of measurable intensityJapanese public television NHK reported.

7.6 earthquake hits Japan and kills 92 people. Prime Minister admits that he is “fighting a battle against time”


The earthquake caused 180 deaths in Ishikawa prefecture, mainly in the cities of Wajima and Suzu, 565 seriously injured and 120 missing, local authorities said this Tuesday.

The last official balance showed 168 dead, 565 injured and 323 missing.

The Japanese geophysics services considered that the seismic activity could last for around a month and asked for caution, taking into account that the Bad weather can cause landslides and avalanches or the collapse of already unstable buildings and houses.

Around 28 thousand people remain displaced and thousands of homes are still without powerwhen thermometers show negative temperatures in the affected areas, leading authorities to ask for attention to possible situations of hypothermia.

Rescue teams continue search operations for the missing, whose number has varied due to difficulties in counting in isolated areas due to the closure of roads damaged in the earthquake. More than six thousand Japanese soldiers joined local relief teams in rescue and supply operations.

The Japanese Government announced that it will allocate more than 4.7 billion yen (around 30 million euros) from reserve funds to send humanitarian aid to the Noto peninsula.

Earthquake in Japan. “It occurred in a seismic fault”

At a meeting, the executive of Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, approved this special aid for basic expenses, including food, water and fuel, in the areas most affected by the earthquake.

The Government has also begun to draw up mid- and long-term reconstruction plans and aid measures for victims of the catastrophe, NHK said.


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