Japan has deployed fighter jets from its Self-Defense Forces in response to recent maneuvers by Russian aircraft near disputed territories between the two countries. This incident adds to a long list of tensions between Japan and Russia, particularly around the sovereignty of the Kuril Islands, a conflict that has lasted for more than 80 years.

On Thursday, two Russian Tupolev Tu-142 maritime patrol aircraft carried out a flight that caused concern among Japanese authorities. The aircraft flew between the coasts of Oki Island in Shimane Prefecture, located in southwestern Japan, and the Tsushima Strait in the East China Sea. They then crossed between the islands of Okinawa and Miyakojima, heading towards the Pacific. After this overflight, the Russian aircraft moved north, approaching the Kuril Islands, north of Hokkaido, without violating Japanese airspace, according to the Japanese Ministry of Defense.

The incident is taking place during the Okean-2024 naval exercises, which began this week and involve Russia and China in a military collaboration that has drawn international attention. These exercises, which will take place in various points of the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic, and several seas such as the Mediterranean, Baltic and Caspian, have been described as the largest since the fall of the Soviet Union. The participation of more than 400 ships, including submarines and support ships, more than 120 aircraft and nearly 90,000 personnel, demonstrates the massive deployment of forces in these exercises, which has raised concerns in several countries in the region, including Japan.

The Japanese government had already announced its intention to closely monitor these maneuvers, due to the growing tensions between Japan and Russia since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The invasion has not only triggered a global crisis, but has also further deteriorated the already tense relations between Tokyo and Moscow. Japan, as one of the closest allies of the United States in the region, has expressed its rejection of Russian aggression in Ukraine and has implemented sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s government, which has exacerbated the frictions between the two countries.

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The territorial dispute over the Kuril Islands remains the main stumbling block in bilateral relations. This archipelago, made up of 56 islands and islets, was occupied by the Soviet Union at the end of World War II and its sovereignty has been the subject of diplomatic clashes ever since. Japan claims four of the islands at the southern end of the archipelago, while Russia maintains control over the entire territory. Over the years, several attempts have been made to resolve this dispute, but to date no agreement has been reached that satisfies both sides.

In 1956, Japan and the Soviet Union signed a joint declaration that allowed for the resumption of diplomatic relations, which had been interrupted since the end of the war. This agreement included a promise to return two of the islands to Japan, but this commitment was never fulfilled. Since then, the issue has been a constant source of tension, although in some periods steps have been taken towards reconciliation. Today, the relationship between Japan and Russia has been aggravated not only by this historical dispute, but also by the growing military cooperation between Russia and China, a factor that particularly worries Tokyo.

The recent movements of Russian aircraft near disputed territories have revived fears of a military escalation in the region. While the Tupolev aircraft did not violate Japanese airspace, their presence near the Kuril Islands is a reminder of the fragile situation in which both countries find themselves. Japan’s concern is heightened by the scale of the naval manoeuvres that Russia and China are undertaking, reinforcing the perception that strengthening military cooperation between these two powers could change the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific.

As the Okean-2024 exercises continue, Japan remains vigilant and has made it clear that it will not tolerate any provocations on its territory. While there have been no direct incursions into Japanese airspace so far, increasing Russian military activity near its borders raises questions about the future of the relationship between the two neighbouring countries.

Source: https://reporteasia.com/relaciones-diplomaticas/2024/09/13/japon-cazas-rusia-territorios-disputa/

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