Chinese Premier Li Qiang stated that China does not abandon agreements, does not withdraw from organizations and does not ask other countries to choose sides, highlighting that the Asian giant remains a strong defender of multilateralism.

Li made the statements in a speech during the World Economic Forum, taking place in Davos, Switzerland, with the theme “Rebuilding Trust”. The Chinese representative highlighted that the topic resonates well with people’s concerns. He stated that trust arises from our shared aspiration for a better future for humanity and our common willingness to work together to achieve it.

Quoting Chinese President Xi Jinping, Li mentioned that the world has entered a new period of turbulence and transformation, but the general direction of human development and progress will not change. He emphasized that the global scenario will continue its trajectory in world history despite the twists and turns, and the general trend towards a shared future for the international community will not change.

The Chinese premier urged all parties to abandon prejudices, overcome divisions, deal sincerely, move in the same direction and work together to address the trust deficit.


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