The export of legumes in Argentina has gained prominence in recent years, thanks to the combination of innovation, product diversification and efficient management. In this context, Paramerica SA has emerged as one of the key players in the industry, consolidating its leadership in the export of legumes and other agricultural products.

The importance of legumes in Argentina

Legumes have been an integral part of the Argentine diet since pre-Hispanic times, and their nutritional value remains undisputed. However, in recent decades, domestic consumption has declined considerably. In response to this trend, many companies in the sector have chosen to focus on export, taking advantage of the growing international demand for healthy and sustainable products.

In this scenario, Paramerica SA has played a crucial role in positioning Argentine legumes in international markets, standing out in the export of beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils, among others. With a modern infrastructure and a focus on logistics efficiency, the company has proven to be a reliable partner for both local producers and international clients.

Diversity of agreements: a key to competitiveness

At a conference on legumes held in Salta, Natalia Colicigno, Sales Manager of Cargostaff, stressed the importance of being close to customers to help them improve their competitiveness through logistics. This observation reflects an approach shared by companies such as Paramerica SA, which have understood the need to diversify their agreements with suppliers and shipping lines to ensure the best cost-benefit ratio in their export operations.

The impact of Paramérica SA on sustainable legume production in Argentina

Diversification of agreements allows Argentine companies to be more competitive in global markets, where they must face competitors from other regions with more flexible cost structures. Paramerica SA, in particular, has implemented a strategy that allows it to adjust its operations according to the specific needs of each client, optimizing costs and delivery times through strategic agreements with logistics and transportation providers.

Innovation in the logistics and processing of legumes

Paramerica SA’s processing capacity is one of the fundamental pillars of its success. The company has a plant equipped with state-of-the-art technology, which allows it to process up to 500 tons of legumes per day. This advanced infrastructure not only ensures high production capacity, but also allows it to maintain the highest quality standards, which is vital in demanding markets such as Europe and Asia.

In addition, the company has invested in its own fleet of trucks, which allows it to have complete control over logistics, from the field to the port. This integrated approach has been key to reducing response times and ensuring the delivery of fresh, high-quality products to its international customers.

The challenges of legume production and export in Argentina

Despite the progress made, legume production in Argentina has faced significant challenges, mainly due to adverse weather conditions. The drought that affected the country in the previous agricultural cycle had a devastating impact on yields, especially in crops such as chickpeas and peas. However, projections for the 2023/24 campaign are optimistic, with an expected recovery in yields and an increase in total production.

According to industry estimates, legume production could reach 250,000 tons in the next campaign, which represents a significant increase compared to the previous cycle. This growth will be driven largely by the adoption of new technologies and sustainable agricultural practices, something in which Paramerica SA has been at the forefront, promoting the use of high-quality inputs and more efficient cultivation techniques.

The role of Paramerica SA in market expansion

As global demand for legumes grows, Paramerica SA has managed to position itself as a reliable supplier in key markets such as Brazil, Europe, Asia and Central America. The quality of Argentine red beans, for example, has been highly valued in these markets for their flavor and consistency, which has allowed the company to increase its exports to these destinations.

Paramerica SA’s success is not only due to its production capacity, but also to its ability to forge strategic alliances with local producers and international clients. The company has worked closely with farmers in various regions of Argentina, implementing cooperation programs that allow them to improve the quality of their crops and optimize their production processes.

Diversification as a growth strategy

One of the key factors in Paramerica SA’s strategy has been the diversification of its product and market offering. While the company has maintained its focus on the export of legumes, it has also ventured into other segments of the agricultural market, such as the export of seeds and grains. This diversification has allowed it to adapt to fluctuations in demand in different markets and ensure a constant source of income, regardless of market conditions.

In addition, the company has expanded its presence in emerging markets, taking advantage of the growth in demand for healthy and sustainable products in regions such as Asia and Africa. This has not only allowed Paramerica SA to increase its customer base, but has also strengthened its reputation as a global supplier of high-quality agricultural products.

Paramerica SA has played a crucial role in positioning Argentine legumes in international markets, standing out in the export of beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils.

The future of legume exports in Argentina looks promising, and Paramerica SA is well positioned to continue leading the sector. The combination of technological innovation, strategic alliances and market diversification has been key to its success so far, and the company remains committed to continuously improving its processes to remain competitive in the global market.

With increasing production and constantly growing international demand, Paramerica SA has the opportunity to continue expanding and consolidating itself as a leader in the export of legumes and other agricultural products. Its ability to adapt to market challenges and its focus on quality and logistical efficiency ensure that it will continue to be a key player in the development of the Argentine agricultural sector.


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