China’s State Council Communications Department on Tuesday released a white paper titled “A Global Community with a Shared Future: China’s Proposals and Actions.”
Ten years ago, President Xi Jinping put forward the idea of building a global community with a shared future. Its proposal lights the way as the world fumbles for solutions and represents China’s contribution to global efforts to protect the shared home and create a better future of prosperity for all, according to the white paper.
To build a global community of shared future, all peoples, all countries and all individuals must remain united at all times, navigating towards greater harmony on this planet we call home, the document highlights.
The white paper calls for efforts to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity, transforming people’s desire for a better life into reality.
Over the past decade, the vision of a global community with a shared future has been steadily enriched and gained broader support. Steady progress has been seen in implementing the vision, the white paper noted.
Source: http://www.chinahoje.net/china-publica-livro-branco-sobre-comunidade-global-com-futuro-compartilhado/