International food trade and its global security, as well as the challenges and priorities of fisheries and their territories at a global level and aquaculture as a development mechanism, are on the agenda of the meeting of the Working Group on Agriculture in Brasilia. Sustainable agriculture, technological innovation and adaptation to climate change are also among the topics discussed.
«I think it is not an exaggeration to say that the opportunity that we will have in the next two days to specifically debate issues that are very important for fishing and aquaculture around the world, is also given by the relevance that this issue has for our country. Therefore, I am very optimistic about everything that is going to be discussed here. With these words, the Brazilian Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, André de Paula, opened the meeting of the Agriculture Working Group in Brasilia, which ends today, June 12.
The role of aquatic food systems in achieving sustainable development goals is one of the topics focused on at the meeting, which debates international food trade and its global security, as well as the challenges and priorities of fisheries and their territories at the global level. global and aquaculture as a development mechanism. The meeting has delegations from countries such as South Africa, India, the United Kingdom and international organizations.
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André de Paula also recalled that recently, in Rio Grande do Norte, an international meeting took place to discuss, among other issues, tuna fishing in the Atlantic. The event was attended by representatives from all over the world and demonstrated the importance that Brazil has given to expanding markets and trade relations with other countries.
Fishing: the activity is also affected by climate change
The minister took the opportunity to comment on the joint effort made by the Civil House and President Lula to help fishermen affected by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul. Many were already going through difficulties due to the floods that occurred in September last year. For this reason, the ministry has worked with immediate and future actions for the reconstruction and support of the productive chain in the state.
The role of aquatic food systems in achieving sustainable development goals is one of the topics focused on at the meeting
According to the minister, the issue of climate change is here to stay and the ideal is shared management with the Ministry of the Environment. “The fishing that we defend is sustainable fishing, it is good practices in this activity and good practices involve that care with solutions that can mitigate problems that from now on it is very clear that they are going to be frequent,” he stated.
The objective of the Working Group on Agriculture is to promote international cooperation to address issues essential to global agriculture, such as food security, sustainable agriculture, technological innovation and adaptation to climate change. The next meeting of the Working Group takes place between September 10 and 13 in the capital of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá.
Source: https://reporteasia.com/especiales/g20-brasil/2024/06/18/grupo-trabajo-agricultura-debate-pesca-sostenible-adaptacion-cambio-climatico/