Crypto para According to his detective Zachxbt, Ripple’s founding partner Chris Larsen’s special switches with password manager Lastpass reportedly lost a crypto money worth $ 150 million.

In an article published today, Zachxbt said that the seizure of a US police organization confirmed that Larsen’s wallet hacked in January 2024 was caused by the violation of the security of special keys stored in Lastpass. The password manager was subjected to great security violations in 2022 and it was claimed that the computer pirates benefited from this violation to steal sensitive user data.

Zachxbt Telegram channel, “A request to confiscate yesterday by the US Security Forces, Ripple founder Chris Larsen’s wallet ~ $ 150 million in January 2024 (283 million XRP) The reason for the hacking was the result of the storage of special switches in Lastpass. ”He said: olmada Until this point, Chris Lars did not explain the cause of the theft to the public.”

If Larsen had previously admitted that there was “unauthorized access to personal XRP accounts, but did not specify how the violation took place. Larsen’s confession followed his previous reports, claiming that Zachxbt had hacked for about 213 million XRP for about 213 million dollars of Ripple’s time.

However, in the seizure document shared by Zachxbt, Larsen’s name is not explicitly specified or the stolen amount is not fully confirmed. It is unclear how the 283 million XRP, which is currently about 708 million dollars, is determined.

*It is not an investment advice.

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