On June 15 and 16, 2024, the Hon. Mr. Russ Jalichandra, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, led the Thai delegation to the Ukraine Peace Summit held in the Swiss Confederation, by designation of the Prime Minister of Thailand. The invitation was extended by the Excma. Mrs. Viola Amherd, President of the Swiss Confederation. The goal of the Summit was to foster dialogue towards a common understanding of peace in Ukraine.
The Vice Minister spoke at the working session on food security and freedom of navigation, in which he addressed three main issues. First, he emphasized the fragility of the global food system and the critical need for peace to ensure food security around the world. Secondly, the Deputy Minister highlighted the important role of Thailand and Ukraine as “world kitchens”, that is, as major food exporters, and underlined the importance of their joint commitment to global food security.
Finally, he reaffirmed Thailand’s support for initiatives that contribute to global food security, such as the Black Sea Grains Initiative, and efforts to revive it. In conclusion, the Deputy Minister stressed the importance of helping Ukraine address the long-term impacts on its agricultural sector and ensure its food security.
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On the sidelines of the summit, the Vice Minister met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, the National Security Adviser of the United Kingdom and the Director General of Political Affairs of the Netherlands, with the aim of improving bilateral cooperation and gathering support for Thailand’s candidacy to the Human Rights Council (HRC) for the period 2025-2027, as well as for its candidacy to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
The Deputy Minister highlighted the important role of Thailand and Ukraine as “world kitchens”, that is, as large food exporters
He also met with representatives from Germany, Kosovo, Singapore, India, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Romania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Switzerland.
Thailand’s participation in this Summit underscores its support for an early resolution of the conflict and its continued involvement in addressing the impact of the conflict on food security and humanitarian needs.
Source: https://reporteasia.com/sociedad/2024/06/18/viceministro-asuntos-exteriores-tailandia-asiste-cumbre-sobre-paz-ucrania/