Taiwan and Australia signed a science and technology pact in Canberra, reflecting both sides’ commitment to enhance partnership and expand technological cooperation.

According to the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan (NSTC), the pact was signed by Ambassador Douglas Yu-tien Hsu of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Australia and Representative Robert Ferguson of the Australian Office in Taipei (AOT).

Representatives from Australia’s Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade personally attended the event, while officials from NSTC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the AOT in Taiwan witnessed the signing. by videoconference.

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Under the pact, the two sides will focus on cooperation in four areas: information and communications technology manufacturing; semiconductor technology and key supply chain technological resilience; biotechnology and transition to net zero emissions.

In his speech, Hsu highlighted that the pact raises the level of the memorandum of understanding signed in 2012 and reflects the importance given to greater cooperation. As ambassador, he hopes the pact will have a greater impact on the global community.

Echoing these comments, Richard Samuels of Australia’s DISR said the pact covers key biological, economic, environmental and social issues and will serve as a cornerstone for further collaboration.

According to the NSTC, Australia is the fifth country to form a science and technology cooperation pact with Taiwan in the last four years, after the United States, Germany, France and Canada.

Source: https://reporteasia.com/economia/industria/2024/05/15/taiwan-australia-firman-pacto-cooperacion-ciencia-tecnologia/

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