Vocational training, sustainability and financing methods for the development of the sector. These were some of the topics discussed at the 3rd Meeting of the G20 Working Group (WG) on Tourism, which took place in Rio de Janeiro on July 1. The meeting, chaired by the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism (MTur, in Portuguese), brought together around 20 delegations from the countries that are part of the group of the largest world economies and will have as its final product a report with the measures adopted by all members of the group in order to resolve the obstacles to vocational training and promote a stronger, more sustainable and balanced growth of tourism.

The Executive Secretary of the Ministry, Ana Carla Lopes, was in charge of welcoming the participants at the opening of the meeting and, in her speech, highlighted the potential of tourism in economic, sustainable and social development.

“Meetings like these are essential to strengthen ties between our nations, promote a deeper understanding of our cultures and economies, and enable the exchange of experiences that will impact important debates, such as the expansion of female participation in the tourism sector, the development of accessible tourism for people with disabilities, more sustainable, or better, more responsible tourism. Tourism that is good for tourists, for the environment and, above all, good for residents,” she added.

Vocational training and tourism education

During the meeting, vocational training was identified as essential for improving tourism services, increasing competitiveness and creating jobs and income. The group also stressed the need for investments to promote tourism education and skills development. The debate on sustainability highlighted the need to implement practices that reduce the environmental impact of tourism, promoting a balance between economic growth and environmental preservation.

Brazil in the G20 and leadership in the energy transition

“The exchange of experiences and knowledge between our countries and organizations is essential to move forward together in building the tourism that the world needs and deserves: more inclusive and responsible,” concluded the executive secretary, Ana Carla Lopes.

The head of the Special Advisory Office for International Relations of the Ministry of Tourism, Heitor Kadri, spoke about the results of the meeting. “Today we have concluded the 3rd meeting and we are very satisfied with the results. We have achieved concrete results and finalized documents that will be part of the decision of the leaders at the end of the year. Brazil managed in the best possible way, had the collaboration of the other countries and I am sure that our discussions will better guide international tourism policies,” he concluded.

The debate on sustainability highlighted the need to implement practices that reduce the environmental impact of tourism

The meeting was also an opportunity to assess the discussions and progress of the G20 Tourism Working Group between 2010 and 2023, ensuring support and continuity for the summit’s strategic actions. The meeting was attended by international entities such as UN Tourism, the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF, formerly Corporación Andina de Fomento), the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which contributed their perspectives and experience in the sector.

Source: https://reporteasia.com/especiales/g20-brasil/2024/07/05/sostenibilidad-desarrollo-temas-centrales-reunion-gt-turismo-g20/

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