In the early hours of Saturday, several rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, spreading panic among residents. This indiscriminate attack seriously threatened the safety of civilians. In response, Israeli authorities declared an emergency in an 80-kilometer radius around the Gaza Strip, which encompasses Tel Aviv.

Kanchana Patarachoke, spokesperson for the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, revealed that the Royal Thai Embassy in Tel Aviv reported the rocket attack incident in Israel early on October. The Embassy has since alerted Thai citizens in Israel and released a security video.

Both the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister, who is also Foreign Minister, instructed the Embassy to ensure the safety of Thai citizens and closely monitor the development of the situation.

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According to the report, a Thai national working at Moshav Mishtakim was injured during the attack, with a gunshot wound to the leg. The Embassy has contacted the injured person to provide him with the necessary help. An estimated 5,000 Thais reside in the Gaza Strip.

The situation continues and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is closely monitoring developments, promising regular updates.

In the early hours of Saturday, several rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, sowing panic among residents.

For her part, Orna Sagiv, Israel’s ambassador to Thailand, called on the international community to support Israel at this crucial time, as the country seeks peace and stability in the face of these challenges. Her united stance indicates that terrorism and violence have no place in a civilized society.

Sagiv added: “I also humbly ask the people of Thailand to join us in praying for those who have tragically died and for an end to this violence. “Your thoughts and prayers offer comfort to the countless families affected by these senseless acts.”


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