The Portuguese Government expressed this Tuesday “the most sincere solidarity” with Japan, for the victims of the earthquake and the collision between two planes, at Tokyo airport, according to a note released by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In a publication on social networkJoão Gomes Cravinho expressed “the most sincere solidarity with the Japanese people and authorities”, for the victims of these two incidents.

“Our thoughts are with all those affected and those providing assistance during this difficult time”, he further stressed.

A Japan Airlines Airbus with 379 occupants coming from Sapporo, in northern Japan, collided this Tuesday, upon landing at Tokyo Haneda airport, with a Japanese Coast Guard plane, a DHC-8, of which only six occupants survived the pilot, seriously injured.


All passengers and crew of the Airbus were safely removed from the burning aircraft on one of the airport’s runways.

Explosion, burning smell and smoke. The “hell” of survivors of the collision between two planes in Tokyo

At least 48 people died in the earthquake that hit the west coast of central Japan on Monday, according to a new report released this Tuesday by Japanese authorities.

The earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.6 on the open Richter scale and with its epicenter on the Noto peninsula, led authorities to activate a tsunami warning, in effect for 18 hours, along the western coast of the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido and from the north of the island of Kyushu.

The 155 earthquakes that have rocked central Japan since Monday have caused “numerous victims” and significant material damage, including collapsed buildings and fires, said Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

7.6 earthquake hits Japan and kills 55 people. Prime Minister admits that he is “fighting a battle against time”


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