Far from being rectified after lighting the fuse in Madridthe Argentine president, Javier Milei, boasted of having mocked his pair of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, part of the “kind of people screwed to power”, and his wife, Begoña Gómez, branded as “corrupt”. Without half measures, Milei attacked them during an event of the far-right party Vox. In the stands, the host, Santiago Abascal, applauded wildly; the prime minister of Italia, Giorgia Meloni; the de HungaryViktor Orbán, and the leader of the French National Group, Marine Le Pen. Cardboard full if Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro had been there.
He stand up by Milei en Spain It coincided with the eve of the crucial elections for the European Parliament, which will be held from June 6 to 9 in the 27 member countries. Chance? No small fact if one takes into account that, according to surveys, the far-right parties with their speech against immigration will improve their results in 2019 and will have an impact on the election of the presidency of the European Comission. The goal, similar to that of Milei with his position on the Argentine State: to dynamit the European Union from his bowels. A right-wing Kirchnerism? Something like that, with resentment as a flag.
The crisis in Argentina and Spain then has a stronger incarnation than the virtual anger between their presidents.
In a not insignificant context, as well as Sánchez’s crusade, side by side with Ireland, Malta y Sloveniafor recognizing the Palestinian State contrary to Israel, vital in Milei’s external agenda. In minority, Argentina, Israel, USA, Czech Republic, Hungary, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau y Papua New Guinea voted against the membership of Palestine in the HIM during the General Assembly of that organism. The decision remains for him Security Councilwith the secured veto of USA. The crisis of Argentina y Spain It then has a stronger incarnation than the virtual anger among its presidents.
Interference in the internal affairs of other countries became common. The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, was among the first in Sánchez’s defense after the “barbaric” Milei attacks. Petro, like Sánchez now, called his ambassador in Buenos Aires on January 26 after being called by Milei in a television interview as a “murderous communist who is sinking” his country. Bilateral relations returned to normal on April 19 after a meeting in Bogota between the Colombian foreign minister, Luis Gilberto Murilloand her Argentine counterpart, Diana Mondino.
One by one, the presidents who supported Sergio Massa were acidly reviled by Milei
One by one, the presidents who publicly supported Sergio Massaminister of Economy of former president Alberto Fernández in the 2023 Argentine elections, were acidly reviled by Milei. Cases of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Andrés Manuel López Obrador, bastions, in turn, of the socialism that the current Argentine president detests, beyond the fact that he ignores the investiture as if he were still campaigning. Clean handsa group that denounced Sánchez’s wife for having used her position to influence business agreements, dismissed the complaint, as did the Spanish prosecutor’s office.
Milei insisted. Not even Alberto Núñez Feijóo, president of the opposition People’s Party, dared to talk about corruption outright. The diplomatic storm grew due to the suggestion of the Spanish Minister of Transport, Oscar Puenteduring a round table organized by the PSOE in Salamanca, about the possibility that Milei has “ingested substances.” In Spanish, drugs. An insinuation responded to by the Argentine government with a string of reproaches about Sánchez’s handling of his own government, undermining the integrity of the country with dealings with the separatists of Catalonia.
The truth could not have been lacking if he were an analyst. He did not correspond to a foreign president. Even less before a trip to Spain without official activities paid for by the public coffers to present his new book, The path of the libertarian, and meet with Spanish businessmen who would later criticize him. The host had to cover the security costs. They are at the expense of the monarchy, in any case. Not defended by Sánchez as his wife while King Felipe VI was branded “lazy”, “corrupt”, “thief” and “unpresentable” by Nicolás Maduro, Daniel Ortega and other bishops of Latin American democracy. A nonsense. Total.
Note: this is an article republished from the media “El Interin” through a cooperation agreement between both parties for the dissemination of journalistic content. Original link.
Jorge Elías is a prominent Argentine journalist specializing in international politics and international relations. He was a correspondent in the United States, Mexico and Canada, as well as has vast experience in investigations related to international politics. He is also a member of the Institute of International Politics of the National Academy of Moral and Political Sciences and a consulting member of the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI).
Source: https://reporteasia.com/opinion/2024/05/22/milei-sigue-haciendo-amigos/