Through the Knowledge Exchange Program, the city of Cuenca will benefit from Korea’s experience in technological tools to monitor, manage and decide interventions and plans in urban mobility.

The project “Strengthening the Management and Monitoring of Urban Mobility through a Data Observatory in Cuenca, Ecuador”, is the new project selected by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MoEF) of Korea, within the framework of the Knowledge Sharing (KSP), which seeks to leverage Korea’s successful development experiences, known as the “Korean Model,” to support other countries in their development efforts.

This initiative joins five others that have been developed in Colombia, Panama, Paraguay and Peru, and that are part of the institutional cooperation agreement between Korea Eximbank – KSP and CAF – development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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The objective of the project is to establish a framework for the creation and maintenance of a Data Observatory with a unified and standardized mobility database of the city of Cuenca, which responds to the growing motorized mobility, which is affecting the air quality of Cuenca. the emblematic cultural heritage city.

The project also seeks to enhance the technology-based and big data capabilities of the city of Cuenca to contribute to the creation of smart mobility solutions, formulate policy recommendations to improve the management of public transportation in the city based on an analysis of solid data, and propose mechanisms to strengthen the capacities of public officials and personnel in relation to data management and the application of technology in transportation.

The project also seeks to enhance the technological base and big data capabilities of the city of Cuenca.

CAF’s experience and capacity to help governments in the region design, manage and monitor urban systems aligned with sustainable development objectives will be an important contribution to this project.

Likewise, KSP’s experience in creating knowledge exchange networks and Korea’s know-how in implementing technologies will be key to improving Cuenca’s approach towards a smarter and more sustainable transportation system.


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