The city of Antalya was host to the vibrant and colorful strokes that the artist Óscar Javier González “Guache” put on stage with the work “Amazonas” on one of the emblematic walls in the historic area of the municipality of Antalya.
The creation of the mural aroused the curiosity of the local inhabitants, as well as the countless tourists who pass through the city daily during the summer season, and as an anecdote, many of them during the production of the mural, expressed their enthusiasm and joy for have an artistic exhibition of this nature and, it is worth noting, this is the first time that a diplomatic mission carries out a project of this magnitude in the iconic city of Antalya.

In addition to the above, it is worth highlighting that the activity was attended by personalities from the Municipality of Antalya, with members of the accredited diplomatic and consular corps, from the Colombian, local and foreign community residing in the city.

The event began with a musical performance by a local martial band, followed by a few words alluding to the event by the Colombian ambassador, Julio Aníbal Riaño, and then by the general secretary of the Municipality, Durmuş Ali Arslan.
Next, there was a display of acrobatic salsa by Colombian dancers, and traditional Turkish dance. It should be noted that the event had very extensive media coverage, and was broadcast on the Antalya Municipality and private television channels.
Source: https://reporteasia.com/destacado/2023/09/27/inauguracion-mural-artistico-antalya-turquia-artista-colombiano-oscar-javier-gonzalez-guache/