Make a delicious ice cream pudding with this dessert that is perfect for the heat!

Ice Cream Pudding
Preparation time
Cooking timeminutes
See the list of ingredients needed to make your ice cream pudding and follow the step-by-step preparation instructions.
1 can of condensed milk
1 can of cream
1 can of milk (use the can of condensed milk as a measure)
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 cup sugar to caramelize
Preparation mode
- In a pudding mold, melt the sugar until you obtain a golden, caramelized syrup. Spread the syrup well over the bottom and sides of the pan. Let cool.
- In the blender, place the condensed milk, cream, milk and vanilla essence. Beat until the mixture is homogeneous.
- Pour the pudding mixture into the caramelized mold.
- Cover the pan with aluminum foil or plastic wrap and place in the freezer for approximately 6 hours, or until the pudding is completely frozen.
- To serve, remove the pudding from the freezer and leave at room temperature for a few minutes before unmolding. Run a knife along the sides of the pan to help loosen the pudding. Then turn the pudding onto a large plate and serve in slices.
- If desired, decorate the pudding with chocolate sauce, fresh fruit or chocolate shavings before serving.
Source: https://cidadeolimpica.com.br/pudim-de-sorvete-2/