In the world of social media, we all know TikTok, but for those familiar with the Chinese digital landscape, chances are you’ve already experienced the “big brother,” Douyin. Recently, they have launched a standalone mobile app called Douyin Mallaimed at promoting traditional electronic commerce.

Douyin Mall, is it a feature of Douyin? No, it has become an independent entity. According to local sources, the Android application has reached 430 million downloads in less than a month since its launch in March.

Why has Douyin launched an application dedicated to the conventional marketplace or Digital Shelf?

The success achieved speaks for itself. In January of this year, Douyin Ecommerce published its Milestones 2023 report, highlighting some key data:

  1. The gross merchandise volume (GMV) transacted in e-commerce grew by 277% year-on-year.
  2. The GMV of search for e-commerce products on Douyin increased by 159% year-on-year.
  3. The GMV of traditional e-commerce now represents more than 30% of the total.

The notable sales growth at Douyin Mall has been a determining factor in the decision to expand into the conventional e-commerce market.

What is the difference between Douyin and Douyin Mall?

The main difference lies in the focus: Douyin focuses on content and entertainment, while Douyin Mall focuses on transactions. For example, on Douyin Mall you cannot record videos; only syncing from Douyin is allowed.

Although there are notable differences between both applications, Douyin Mall has similarities with Taobao, another popular marketplace. Both offer fast shipping, an in-app supermarket, product testing, etc.

Now, why is Douyin launching a similar app to compete with Alibaba’s Taobao?

When we think of Douyin or TikTok, we think of social networks. Douyin wants to change this perception.

On the other hand, growth is becoming increasingly difficult for all e-commerce and content platforms. For Douyin, facing rivals in the content market (such as Taobao Content) and the stagnation of livestreaming e-commerce, makes the development of traditional e-commerce crucial.

Likewise, Douyin Mall reinforces the company’s position in the market compared to Taobao, Tmall, JD, Pinduoduo, among others.

For this year, Douyin seeks to boost its growth in ecommerce. Can you achieve it with this new app dedicated exclusively to conventional e-commerce? Without a doubt, this new platform will be an important asset in this objective.

Head of Global Digital Marketing and E-commerce at Laboratorios PHERGAL, Senior Management in Digital Transformation, International Business, Data, Marketplace & Omnichannel with Awards for Best Digital Director in Beauty.


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