At Luxor Temple, a huge ancient Egyptian temple complex located on the east bank of the Nile River, Huang Zhao, a Chinese tourist, took photos while listening to the tour guide. “The temple is a masterpiece. I read a lot of books on Egyptology and visiting the archaeological sites was a dream,” said Huang, who also visited the Great Pyramids, southern Egyptian cities including Aswan, and the sea resorts in Hurghada.

Chen Wu, a 22-year-old student who came with his parents from Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province in southern China, said he had been planning this trip to Egypt for two years. “My father always encourages me to read history books, especially about ancient civilizations similar to China,” Chen said, adding that he saved his money to buy replicas of ancient markets in Egypt.

The recovery of China’s tourism industry is providing a significant boost to outbound tourism. This increase in overseas travel coincided with one of China’s most important annual holidays, Golden Week, which began on September 29 and ran for eight days. During this period, Chinese people celebrated the country’s National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival.

“In the world’s second largest economy, spending on vacations and outbound and inbound tourism is expected to increase, contributing to the recovery of global tourism,” said Mohamed Othman, chairman of the Cultural Tourism Marketing Committee in Upper Egypt .

According to the China Tourism Academy, a Beijing-based research institution, foreign destinations received a total of 40.37 million visitors from the Chinese mainland in the first half of the year.


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