China’s scientific expedition team plans to drill a subglacial lake located more than 3,600 meters deep beneath the Antarctic ice cap.

The Qilin Subglacial Lake, which was named by China in 2022, is located in Princess Elizabeth Land in the East Antarctic Inner Ice Sheet, 120 km from China’s Taishan Station, according to Jiang Su, a researcher at the Research Institute Polar of China.

China has made some early-stage preparations for scientific drilling. During the country’s ongoing 40th Antarctic expedition, team members entered the area for the first time and carried out investigations into drilling site selection.

“The Qilin Subglacial Lake, the second largest “buried” lake discovered so far in Antarctica, has a development history of at least 3 million years of isolation from the outside world, thus making it an ideal place to explore subglacial lakes and life subglacial,” Jiang said.


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