China’s solidarity effort in response to the devastating floods in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, surpassed the 5 million reais mark in donations. Minister Li Yongzhong, representing Ambassador Zhu Qingqiao, attended a ceremony to hand over supplies to help communities affected by the disaster this Tuesday (14).

Minister Li emphasized that Rio Grande do Sul recently faced the worst floods ever recorded, resulting in significant human and material losses. In response to this crisis, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in Brazil expressed their condolences to Brazil.

He also highlighted the solidarity shown by the Chinese community in Brazil and Chinese companies, who made generous donations to support the affected areas. This attitude reflects not only the selfless spirit of the Chinese people, but also the lasting friendship between the two countries.

Donations from Chinese compatriots and Chinese companies in Brazil have already exceeded 5 million reais, demonstrating strong support for the affected communities. The minister expressed confidence that, with the leadership of President Lula and the Brazilian government, and with the assistance of the international community, the affected areas will be able to overcome these difficulties and rebuild their lives.

Furthermore, the Chinese community in Brasília donated relief supplies worth 80 thousand reais to the affected areas, showing their commitment to solidarity and mutual support in difficult times.


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