Crispy and super tasty, these baked cheese biscuits make for a delicious snack!

Cheese Biscuits

Cheese Biscuits

Revenue by Olympic City

Preparation time



Cooking time



These cheese biscuits are perfect for many occasions due to their practicality and flavor!


  • 2 large eggs (100 grams)

  • 1 cup (tea) of whole milk (200 grams)

  • 1 cup (tea) flaked corn flour (80 grams)

  • 2 cups (tea) of sour cassava starch (250 grams)

  • 3 cups (tea) of semi-cured cheese (300 grams)

  • 1 level teaspoon of salt (05 grams)

  • 1 cup (tea) of oil (160 grams)

Preparation mode

  • In a container, place the flaked corn flour, whole milk and mix well. Add the eggs and mix again.
  • Add the tapioca starch, salt, oil, grated cheese and mix with a spatula or your hands.
  • Transfer the dough to a pastry bag (it can be a rice or sugar bag) and shape the cookies into sticks in a lined or greased pan, with space between them.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 180º₢ for approximately 30 minutes, or until golden on the outside.
  • Wait for the cheese biscuits to cool a little before removing them from the mold and they are ready to serve.

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