Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Relations Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CCP), met with Celso Amorim, head of the Special Advisor to the President of the Republic of Brazil, in Beijing, on Thursday.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, said China and Brazil are major developing countries and emerging economies as well as key members of BRICS, and bilateral relations go beyond the bilateral scope and have strategic and general.

Noting that this year marks the 50th anniversary of China-Brazil diplomatic ties, Wang said the two sides should systematically review the successful experience of developing bilateral relations over the past 50 years. They must take into account changes in the international situation and the respective development strategies of both countries, while making forward-looking strategic plans, so as to inject new connotations into China-Brazil relations, establish new development goals and jointly embrace the next “50 golden years”.

Wang noted that today’s world is undergoing profound changes not seen in a century, with the international situation becoming chaotic and intertwined and hotbed issues emerging one after another. It is courageous to see that countries in the Global South, represented by China and Brazil, have achieved a collective rise and promoted a more balanced and reasonable global power structure, he said.

China will fully support Brazil’s work as the G20 rotating presidency this year and stands ready to work with Brazil and other G20 members to ensure the success of the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, said Wang, noting that China attaches importance promoting cooperation with the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

Noting that Brazil-China relations go beyond the bilateral scope and have strategic significance, Amorim said that the good development of Brazil-China relations is not only beneficial for both countries, but also plays an important role in safeguarding the common interests of countries in development and is conducive to world peace and stability.

Amorim said that Brazil attaches great importance to cooperation with China, adding that China is Brazil’s largest market, and the volume of trade between the two countries is close to US$200 billion, which still has great potential for development .

Amorim said Brazil is ready to communicate closely with China, plan cooperation in various fields, expand the scale of trade and investment, expand new fields such as artificial intelligence and digital economy, and constantly enrich the connotation of strategic partnership comprehensive Brazil-China.

Noting that President Lula attaches great importance to eradicating poverty, and China has made remarkable achievements in this regard, he said the two sides can strengthen exchanges and cooperation.


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