The earthquake that shook central Japan on January 1 caused at least 168 deaths, while 323 people remain missing, local authorities said this Monday.

The authorities’ latest assessment counted 210 people missing, most of whom were in the cities of Wajima, one of the worst-hit places on the Noto Peninsula, in the Sea of ​​Japan, and Suzu. The 7.6 magnitude earthquake on the open Ritcher scale it also caused around 565 injuriesaccording to a statement from the Ishikawa department, the hardest hit by the catastrophe.

The earthquake caused considerable damage to roads, houses and other buildings. To the Authorities believe hundreds of people remain trapped or isolated while waiting for rescue services to arrive.

New earthquake hits central Japan again

Repeated aftershocks and adverse weather conditions have caused new landslides and floods in the affected areas. Due to damage to infrastructure, authorities have also had difficulty transporting food and drinking water to the approximately 31,000 people who remain sheltered in approximately 357 reception centers.

The New Year’s Day earthquake is already the deadliest in Japan since 2011, when a magnitude 9.0 earthquake triggered a ‘tsunami’ that caused more than 20,000 deaths and the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the worst since Chernobyl (Ukraine). ) in 1986.



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