At the invitation of Alberto van Klaveren, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile, ASEAN Secretary-General HE Dr. Kao Kim Hourn will lead the ASEAN Secretariat delegation for a Working Visit to the Republic of Chile from 3 to 6 September 2024. The Working Visit will mark a new milestone in the relationship between ASEAN and Chile, as it will be the first time that an ASEAN Secretary-General officially visits a Latin American country.

During the Working Visit, SG Dr. Kao will meet with a wide range of government officials and key stakeholders, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Economy, the Undersecretary for International Economic Relations, and the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), among others.

SG Dr. Kao will also take this unique opportunity to participate in the Commemoration of the Fifth Anniversary of the ASEAN-Chile Development Partnership and ASEAN Day, in a roundtable with the Federation of Chilean Industry (SOFOFA), as well as to deliver a lecture at the University of Chile and a keynote speech at an ECLAC seminar.

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SG Dr. Kao is also scheduled to meet with the ASEAN Committee in Santiago, where he will brief the Committee on the latest developments in ASEAN work and discuss the current status and future direction of the ASEAN-Chile Development Partnership, as well as exchange views on the Committee’s role in advancing, strengthening and deepening ASEAN-Chile relations.

The Working Visit will be a new milestone in the relationship between ASEAN and Chile, as it will be the first time that an ASEAN Secretary-General officially visits a Latin American country.

The Secretary-General’s Inaugural Working Visit on this occasion will be a momentous opportunity to promote the ASEAN-Chile Development Partnership, that is, to enhance and expand dialogue and cooperation, as well as to promote ties between both nations, particularly since this year marks the 5th Anniversary of the ASEAN-Chile Development Partnership.


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