Image: Argentine Foreign Ministry

The Argentine Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero, accompanied by the Minister of Labor, Kelly Olmos, signed today at the San Martín Palace an Agreement and Administrative Agreement on Social Security between Argentina and the Republic of India, represented at the event by its ambassador to our country, Dinesh Bhatia.

After intense bilateral technical negotiations, the agreement will benefit nationals of both countries, particularly those who have worked in both regimes at different times in their lives, since it has jurisdiction in the social security systems of both India and the United States. Argentina for benefits for old age, disability or survival.

The agreement proposes equal treatment between citizens of both nations, and agrees that a worker who is transferred to one country will continue to be subject to the legislation of the other country for up to a period of twenty-four months. Exceptionally, the period may be extended up to an additional thirty-six months.

For the analysis of disability cases, medical reports from both Argentina and India, recognized by the parties to the agreement, will be recognized and will be provided free of charge.

Sinking relations between India and Canada

The signing of this agreement takes place within the framework of a bilateral relationship strengthened in recent years, both by high-level meetings – such as the meeting of President Alberto Fernández and Prime Minister Narendra Modi within the framework of the G7 in Germany, the last year -, as well as through the conclusion of agreements in strategic sectors, among them the recent signing of the cooperation agreement between YPF and the oil company ONGC Videsh Limited, the largest international oil and gas company in India.

For the analysis of disability cases, medical reports from both Argentina and India, recognized by the parties to the agreement, will be recognized and will be provided free of charge.

In nuclear cooperation, the Radioisotope Production Plant project at the Bhabha Center in Mumbai, carried out by the Argentine company INVAP, stands out.

In line with the advancement of the bilateral relationship, reciprocal trade has had constant growth in recent years and reached a record of USD 6,391 million in 2022, with a trade balance highly favorable to our country, USD 2,693 million. Even so, economic exchange has the potential to be diversified and expanded to other sectors.

The Minister of Labor was together with the Secretary of Social Security, Luis Guillermo Bulit Goñi.


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