With a fluffy and tasty dough, this pineapple cake is a delicious option for a snack!

Pineapple cake

Pineapple cake

Revenue by Olympic City

Preparation time



Cooking time



Without a doubt, this pineapple cake is a hit with everyone who tries it!


  • 3 eggs

  • 2 tablespoons of butter

  • 2 cups (tea) of wheat flour

  • 1 cup and 1/2 (tea) sugar

  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder

  • 1/2 cup chopped pineapple

  • 200 ml of natural pineapple juice

Preparation mode

  • Add eggs, sugar, butter, wheat flour, pineapple juice to a blender and beat well.
  • Transfer the mixture to a container, add the yeast and mix gently until homogenized.
  • Pour the dough into a greased and floured pan and then add the pineapple pieces.
  • Bake the cake for approximately 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180º₢.
  • Unmold the pineapple cake after it has cooled and it is ready to be served.

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Source: https://cidadeolimpica.com.br/bolo-de-abacaxi/

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