Indonesia and Kazakhstan discussed various initiatives to foster greater bilateral cooperation at the 2nd Meeting of the Indonesia-Kazakhstan Bilateral Consultation held in Jakarta on April 2. The meeting, co-chaired by the Director General of Asia Pacific and Africa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, HE Abdul Kadir Jailani, and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, HE Alibek Bakayev, took place in an atmosphere warm and cordial.

The two Heads of Delegation discussed and encouraged the advancement of political and security cooperation; economic cooperation, including increasing trade, investment and tourism; sociocultural and consular cooperation; as well as cooperation in various international forums.

The meeting took note of the good relations and progress of cooperation in various fields that has existed for more than 30 years. Both delegations noted the importance of encouraging interactions and mutual visits between senior officials, parliamentarians and business circles. The two Delegations agreed to study the formation of a Joint Commission of Foreign Ministers mechanism, as well as the conclusion of several draft bilateral cooperation agreements.

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In the economic sector, the two countries agreed to foster greater cooperation in the fields of transportation and connectivity, mining and energy, as well as the digital and creative economy.
The meeting discussed the potential for cooperation between state-owned companies and the chambers of commerce of both countries, as well as promoting the completion of negotiations on the Bilateral Investment Treaty and the Free Trade Agreement between Indonesia and the EU.

The two sides have also discussed several initiatives for 2024, namely the holding of the second meeting of the Joint Economic Cooperation Commission (JCEC), the participation of the Kazakh business delegation in the Indonesia-Central and South Asia Forum (INASCA ) and at Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI), as well as planned visits by high-level officials and the Indonesian business delegation to Kazakhstan.

The meeting agreed to promote the completion of the Air Services Agreement and implement a favorable visa policy to encourage increased tourist and business visits and interpersonal contacts. The two countries also agreed to explore more efficient logistics routes to encourage greater trade in goods.

The meeting took note of the good relations and progress of cooperation in various fields that has existed for more than 30 years.

In the sociocultural field, the meeting agreed on the need to establish an MOU in the field of higher education as a general legal framework for long-established cooperation between universities. Both sides also expressed their readiness to immediately sign an MOU in the field of sports cooperation. Both sides welcomed the continued cooperation between sister cities, the Capital City of Nusantara (IKN) and Astana, and encouraged the realization of investment plans and concrete cooperation in IKN.

During the meeting, the two heads of delegation also exchanged views on global issues of mutual interest, namely Afghanistan and Palestine; as well as the latest events related to cooperation in various regional and international forums. At the end of the meeting, the two heads of delegation signed the agreed minutes of the meeting, which summarizes the issues discussed during the meeting.


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