Chinese President Xi Jinping met with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan at the Great Hall of the People on Thursday.

Xi stressed that in this turbulent and ever-changing world, countries need solidarity and coordination, not division or confrontation. People want openness and progress, not exclusion or regression. As two great nations, China and the United States should be responsible for history, the people and the world, and should be a source of stability for world peace and a driver for common development.

Although major changes have taken place in the two countries and in China-U.S. relations, China’s commitment to the goal of a stable, healthy and sustainable China-U.S. relationship remains unchanged; the principle of handling the relationship based on mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation remains unchanged; its stance of firmly safeguarding the country’s sovereignty, security and development interests remains unchanged; and its efforts to carry forward the traditional friendship between the Chinese and U.S. people remain unchanged, according to Xi.

Xi expressed the hope that the US will work with China in the same direction, view China and its development positively and rationally, see each other’s development as an opportunity rather than a challenge, and work with China to find the right path for the two great nations to get along well.


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