China stands ready to work with Brazil to take the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties as a new starting point to jointly promote the building of a China-Brazil community with a shared future, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Thursday.

Xi made the remarks in his congratulatory message to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

China and Brazil, both major developing countries and important emerging markets, are like-minded friends and partners who join hands and move forward together, Xi said.

Over the past half century since the establishment of diplomatic ties, regardless of changes in the international landscape, the relationship between the two countries has maintained stable development, with increasingly prominent, comprehensive and strategic global influence, he said.

While promoting the development and rejuvenation of their respective nations, China and Brazil have also played significant roles in contributing to world peace, stability and prosperity, he added.


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