US President Donald Trump national Bitcoin Even though it was slower than expected about the reserve, it started its moves and other countries.
ABD Apart from other countries BTC As he started investigating his reserve, he made a statement from a country to the opposite direction.
Accordingly President of the Central Bank of Poland (NBP) Adam Glapiński, He announced that the bank did not intend to keep Bitcoin reserves under any circumstances and will not buy Bitcoin under any circumstances.
Glapiński said that the asset should be absolutely safe in order to evaluate the addition of an asset to the reserves of the NPP at a conference he attended. ”
Glapiński, NBP Bitcoin When asked if he was thinking about keeping a reserve in terms of kind, he replied:
“The President of the Czech Central Bank told me that he had an idea of Bitcoin, that is, he had an original idea. First of all, I answered no.
Because the Central Bank of Poland does not consider Bitcoin reserve. Because we believe that the reserves should be absolutely safe.
There is a lot to say good about Bitcoin, but these good things are not a permanent, safe reserve element.
I don’t need to say how much Bitcoin has increased and how much it is, but that’s not certain. Everyone takes the risk of buying themselves.
You can buy Bitcoin and win a lot, you can lose a lot. However, we prefer something definite and safer.
Gold, dollar and euro, as well as marginal other elements accumulate. In our opinion, these are very safe. “
*It is not an investment advice.
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Source: https://www.bitcoinsistemi.com/pek-cok-ulke-bitcoine-yatirim-yapmayi-dusunurken-bu-avrupa-ulkesi-btcye-kapilari-kapatti/