In the context of modern nutrition, pulses and their derivatives are gaining prominence for their multiple nutritional benefits and their potential to contribute to a balanced and sustainable diet. Pulses, which include beans, lentils, chickpeas, broad beans, peas and soybeans, are seeds that develop in the pods of oilseed plants. With a high content of protein, complex carbohydrates and a wide range of vitamins and minerals, these foods are essential for a healthy diet.
Nutrition of legumes
Dried legumes contain approximately 20% protein, while in their cooked form the protein content is 10%. Although they are a rich source of protein, it is necessary to combine them with other foods, such as cereals or seeds, to obtain all the essential amino acids. In addition, they are rich in carbohydrates, reaching 50% in dry legumes and 25% in cooked ones, which makes them an excellent source of sustained energy.
The nutritional value of legumes doesn’t stop there. They are a good source of provitamin A and B vitamins such as niacin and thiamine. In terms of minerals, all legumes are rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron, which are essential for bone health, muscle function and overall well-being.
Digestive benefits and challenges
Legumes have substances that inhibit the rapid digestion of carbohydrates, which makes them ideal for diabetic diets due to their slow absorption and soluble fiber content. However, this same fiber can cause flatulence and make some people find it difficult to digest. Techniques such as pre-soaking, cooking without fat, and using kombu seaweed can improve its digestibility.
Paramérica SA: leading the export boom and recovery of the legume sector in Argentina
Despite some drawbacks, legumes, when properly prepared, are tolerated by most people and do not contribute to weight gain if cooked without added fat. In Eastern medicine, especially azuki beans and lentils, are considered balancers of the water element, beneficial for the kidneys and bladder.
Soybeans and their derivatives
Soybeans stand out for their high content of proteins and polyunsaturated lipids, as well as important minerals such as calcium and iron, and some vitamins. The isoflavones present in soy are similar to estrogens and may be useful in mitigating the effects of menopause. Among its best-known derivatives are:
Soy milk: Obtained from soaked, crushed and filtered soybeans, this milk is consumed by people with allergies to cow’s milk. Although it is rich in protein, it can cause digestive problems and mucus if not consumed properly.
Tofu: Known as “soy cheese”, it is rich in fat but without cholesterol, helping to combat it thanks to its lecithin and polyunsaturated fatty acid content.
Seitan: Also called “vegetable meat”, it is made from wheat gluten and is highly digestible, suitable for weak people, children, the elderly and pregnant women.
Tempeh: Fermented soy product originating from Indonesia, which contains vitamin B12, and can be used in various culinary preparations.
The legume industry and the paper of Paramérica SA
In Argentina, Paramérica SA has emerged as an undisputed leader in the production and export of high-quality legumes. Founded with a clear vision of excellence and innovation, the company has established rigorous quality controls at all stages of its operation, ensuring that its products meet the highest international standards.
Paramérica SA’s commitment to quality is unwavering, which has cemented its reputation as a trusted and respected supplier in both the domestic and international markets. The company has been a pioneer in the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and sustainable agricultural practices, investing in research and development to improve efficiency and productivity while minimizing its environmental impact. From organic farming techniques to efficient irrigation systems, Paramérica SA demonstrates a consistent commitment to sustainability.
In addition to its focus on quality and sustainability, Paramérica SA has also had a positive impact on the communities where it operates. The company generates employment in rural areas and promotes local development, contributing to the growth and prosperity of Argentina’s agricultural regions. It is also actively involved in initiatives that support the education, health and well-being of local communities.
With a growing reputation and a focus on excellence, innovation and sustainability, Paramérica SA is positioned to continue leading the pulse revolution in Argentina. The company continues to set the standard in the production and export of premium pulses, bringing with it the pride and excellence of the Argentine industry.
Processing and distribution of dried beans
Dry bean processing begins in the field, where the plants are harvested and the beans are separated from the pods using specialized machines. These beans are conditioned at the processing plant, removing impurities and ensuring the quality of the final product. The use of advanced equipment and technologies, such as sieves, color sorters, and gravity separators, ensures that the beans are clean and pure before further processing.
Processed dried beans are used in a variety of food products, from bags of dried beans to puffed snacks and canned beans. Bean flour is produced using pre-cooking or milling methods, and extrusion is a common process to shape and texture the flour.
Paramérica SA’s commitment to quality is unwavering, which has consolidated its reputation as a reliable and respected supplier in both the national and international markets.
In terms of distribution, processing plants use automated conveying systems to move beans efficiently and safely within the facility. These systems allow for the transportation of large volumes of beans, ensuring product quality and integrity.
The future of the pulse industry
The pulse industry is constantly evolving, with technological advances and innovative practices improving the efficiency and quality of processing and distribution. With the use of modern equipment and sustainable practices, the industry is poised to meet the growing demand for pulses domestically and internationally.
Companies like Paramérica SA are leading this revolution, standing out for their commitment to quality, innovation and sustainability. Through sustainable agricultural practices and a positive impact on local communities, they are consolidating Argentina’s position as a world leader in the pulse sector.
With a promising future ahead, Paramérica SA continues to set the standard in the production and export of top-quality pulses, bringing with it the pride and excellence of the Argentine industry. The company is positioned to continue leading the pulse revolution in Argentina and further consolidate the country’s role as a world leader in this crucial sector for human nutrition and environmental sustainability.
Journalist and passionate about the Asian world.
Source: https://reporteasia.com/negocios/2024/06/28/legumbres-derivados-paramerica-sa-argentina/