Seven medical research teams announced research results on precision regenerative medicine for the super-elderly during BIO Asia-Taiwan 2024. The event was held at the Nangang Exhibition Center in Taipei, according to Taiwan’s National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).
The teams involved in the research included Academia Sinica in Taipei, National Taiwan University and Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital in New Taipei City, Chang Gung University in Taoyuan City, University of Chinese Medicine in Taichung City and National Cheng Kung University in Tainan City.

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About NSTC’s innovative research

The goal of these institutions is to find a solution to Taiwan’s current situation. The nation is rapidly becoming a “super-aged” society, creating medical needs for elderly citizens and disabled patients.

In response, NSTC has promoted a Precision Regenerative Medicine Project for Super-Advanced Aged People since 2022, in which the above-mentioned teams participated.

This area of ​​research encompasses both emerging regenerative medical techniques, such as allogeneic stem cells or allogeneic immune cell therapy, induced pluripotent stem cells, genetically modified cells and exosomes, as well as a platform of protocols to ensure safety and efficacy.

The NSTC stated that regenerative medicine, with cell therapy at its core, has significant potential to address aging, disability and concomitant medical needs.


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