Crypto para Analysis company Alphractal said in a statement that crypto whales have shown interest for more long positions and give more Short tendency signals subcoins shared.
According to analysts, the altcoins, where crypto currency whales tend to more long positions, were listed as follows:
- Litecoin (LTC)
- Aave (Aave)
- Vechain (VET)
- DeXe (DEXE)
- Lido Finance (LDO)
- Iota (iota)
- BinaryX (BNX)
On the other hand, the Altcoins where crypto currency whales tend to tend to short or close their longing positions are as follows:
- Bitcoin (BTC)
- Ethereum (ETH)
- Solana (Sol)
- Ripple (XRP)
- Cardano (there)
- Chainlink (LINK)
- Stellar (xlm)
- Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
- Polkadot (dot)
Crypto money analysts also shared the graph of the data in question. According to the graph, whales in subcoins above the value of 1 are more willing in long positions than individual investors. In subcoins below 1, whales are more willing or proportional to the Long positions in short positions than individual investors.

*It is not an investment advice.
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Source: https://www.bitcoinsistemi.com/en-buyuk-balinalarin-son-donemde-en-fazla-boga-ve-en-fazla-ayi-oldugu-altcoinlerin-listesi-aciklandi-19-altcoin-radara-takildi/